Text and images on this page are real photos and real human authored texts. Photo shows Ansgar Halbfas reconciling genrations, cultures, and knowledge.

Ansgar Halbfas on a Shanghai street during a guided tour for visiting engineers

Ansgar Halbfas on a Shanghai street during a guided tour for visiting engineers
Standing in the middle of a busy road, the group Ansgar Halbfas is guiding has room to spread out and listen to Ansgar's lecture about the history of Shanghai shikumen

Ansgar Halbfas on a Shanghai street during a guided tour for visiting engineers →

Ansgar Halbfas during mid-century architecture sights for a celebrity at Donald Wexler's steel development house in Palm Springs, USA →

Ansgar Halbfas at a conference with members of the global network of architects, historians and writers →

Ansgar Halbfas on a guided tour with rooftop access provided by Shanghai's roofer scene →

Ansgar Halbfas providing heritage sights for architects, management, academics, and foreign specialists →

Ansgar Halbfas at radio interview on current events, their impact on urban renewal and change around the project 'Platform Kleiner Schlossplatz', Stuttgart, Germany to Southwest Broadcasting Corporation SWR →

Ansgar Halbfas at radio interview on current events, their impact on urban renewal and change around the project 'Platform Kleiner Schlossplatz', Stuttgart, Germany to Southwest Broadcasting Corporation SWR →

Ansgar Halbfas with celebrity in Palm Springs. Ansgar is standing inside an artwork, a temporary house built of mirrors reflecting the landscape, both close by and far away at the horizon. →

Ansgar Halbfas at on-site tour with engineers and planners. →

Ansgar Halbfas tearing down non-original installations to make room for 'The Smart House' project. →

Ansgar Halbfas prototyping classroom in nature for private educational institution →

Ansgar Halbfas developing 3D-printed 300×-microscopes attachable to smartphones with a group of students →

Ansgar Halbfas in a classroom with truly digital operation including psychological assessments and student's homework scanned upon arrival to the classroom for immediate digital presentation →

Ansgar Halbfas teaching how to set the table, and understanding and cherishing dining habits and cleaning up together →

Ansgar Halbfas explaining how to use an electric drilling machine and jigsaw, and steel mountings while working with industry-standard tools and procedures with 'real' materials that are preferred over trivialized and belittled substitutes →

Ansgar Halbfas teaching coding, understanding, and comparing grammar and rules with 'Hello World' examples of randomly selected languages →

Ansgar Halbfas in a classroom setup with standard lab equipment for effective DNA extraction →

Ansgar Halbfas prototyping class for private educational institution →

Ansgar Halbfas teaching coding in a classroom in nature →

Ansgar Halbfas with co-authors of the official book about the German pavilion at the world exhibition →

Ansgar Halbfas enabling students to get close to where the action is →

Ansgar Halbfas as a teacher would typically solve the same task alongside the students and share thoughts about his own expectations and mistakes →

Ansgar Halbfas 'roofing' with experts for urban history and action photography →

Ansgar Halbfas at the hairdresser in Midtown Shanghai →

Ansgar Halbfas on a Shanghai street during a guided tour for visiting engineers →

Ansgar Halbfas at private moment with member of current warfare red team member →

Ansgar Halbfas guiding visitor group of architects and engineers at construction site →

Ansgar Halbfas welcoming Robert de Niro at the VIP section →

Ansgar Halbfas signing books for honorary guests at press conference →

Ansgar Halbfas teaching coding with 'Hello World' example →

Ansgar Halbfas developing curriculum and testing classes for private school →

Ansgar Halbfas explaining details on how to use an electric drilling machine and jigsaw, and steel mountings while working with industry-standard tools and procedures with 'real' materials that are preferred over trivialized and belittled substitutes →

Ansgar Halbfas explaining how to use steel mountings while working with industry-standard tools and procedures with 'real' materials that are preferred over trivialized and belittled substitutes →

Ansgar Halbfas teaching woodworking basics →